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What's supported

This topic lists the platforms and technologies that Harness Chaos Engineering (CE) supports for deploying chaos infrastructure. To learn more about chaos infrastructure, go to Chaos infrastructure.

Harness Chaos Engineering is supported on the following platforms:

Harness SaaS

Chaos infrastructure

Supported operating systems and distributions

The following table shows the supported operating systems and distributions for deploying chaos infrastructure.

KubernetesOpenShiftk8s 1.21+
KubernetesRancherk8s 1.21+
KubernetesGKEk8s 1.21+
KubernetesEKSk8s 1.21+
KubernetesAKSk8s 1.21+
KubernetesVMware Tanzuk8s 1.21+
LinuxopenSUSE Leap15.4+


Container runtimes

The supported container runtimes are as follows:

  • Docker
  • Crio
  • Containerd

Chaos fault types

The following table shows available fault types and where they are supported. For a complete list and detailed information, go to Chaos faults.

Fault typeLinuxK8sWindowsVMwareAWSGCPAzure
For example Network loss, Network latency, etc.
For example, HTTP latency, HTTP modify body, etc.
For example, DNS error, DNS spoof, etc.
System time
For example, Time skew chaos, etc.
Resource stress
For example, CPU stress, Memory stress, etc.
State change
For example, VM stop, Pod kill, etc.
Managed Services
For example, AWS ECS agent stop, Azure web app stop, etc.

Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition

Chaos Engineering on Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition is in feature parity with Harness SaaS with the following limitations:

  • Harness enterprise chaos hub is not connected by default.
  • Custom dashboards
  • Harness AI Development Assistant (AIDA™) for CE

For more information, go to Self-Managed Enterprise Edition and CE on SMP.

Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition In Offline Environments

All CE features supported in Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition are also supported in Self-Managed Enterprise Edition in offline environments.