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Publish anything to the Artifacts tab

You can publish any URL to the Artifacts tab on the Build details page. To do this, you need to:

This tutorial demonstrates how to do this by creating a Harness CI pipeline that builds a Java Maven application and generates an Allure report that you can view in Harness.


This tutorial assumes you have a CI pipeline with a Build stage.

If you haven't created a pipeline before, try Get started with the fastest CI or Build on a Kubernetes cluster before starting this tutorial.

Prepare cloud storage

  1. You need access to one of the following cloud storage providers: S3, GCS, JFrog, or Sonatype Nexus.

    This tutorial uses GCS. If you use another option, you'll need to modify some of the steps according to your chosen cloud storage provider.

  2. For S3, GCS, and JFrog, you must have a Harness connector to use with the Upload Artifact step:


    Store authentication and access keys for connectors as Harness secrets.

  3. In your cloud storage, create a bucket or repo where you can upload your artifact.

    To access the artifact directly from the Artifacts tab, the upload location must be publicly available. If the location is not publicly available, you might need to log in to view the artifact or use an different artifact URL (such as a console view URL). This tutorial uses a publicly available GCS bucket to store the report.

Prepare artifacts to upload

Add steps to your pipeline that generate and prepare artifacts to upload, such as Run steps. The steps you use depend on what artifacts you ultimately want to upload.

For example, this tutorial uses three Run steps to generate and prepare an artifact:

  • The first step runs tests with Maven.
  • The second step generates an Allure report. To ensure the build environment has the Allure tool, the step uses a Docker image that has this tool: solutis/allure:2.9.0.
  • The third step combines the Allure report into a single HTML file.
    • To view an Allure report in a browser, you must run a web server with the allure open command; however, this command won't persist after the CI pipeline ends. Instead, use the allure-combine tool to convert the Allure report into a single HTML file.
    • Running the allure-combine . command inside allure-report generates the complete.html file.
    • To ensure the build environment as access to the allure-combine tool, you can include steps to install it or use a Docker image that has the tool, such as shubham149/allure-combine:latest.
              - step:
type: Run
name: run maven tests
identifier: run_maven_tests
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: openjdk:11
shell: Sh
command: ./mvnw clean test site
- step:
type: Run
name: generate allure report
identifier: generate_allure_report
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: solutis/allure:2.9.0
command: |
cd target
allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report
- step:
type: Run
name: combine report
identifier: combine_report
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: shubham149/allure-combine:latest
command: |
cd target/allure-report
allure-combine .
cd ../..
cp target/allure-report/complete.html .

For connectorRef, you can use the built-in Docker connector, account.harnessImage, or use your own Docker Hub connector.

Upload to cloud storage

Add a step to upload your artifact to cloud storage:

For example, this tutorial uploads the combined Allure report to GCS:

              - step:
type: GCSUpload
name: upload report
identifier: upload_report
sourcePath: target/allure-report/complete.html
target: <+pipeline.sequenceId>

The target value uses a Harness expression, <+pipeline.sequenceId>, to ensure that artifacts uploaded by this pipeline are stored in unique directories and don't overwrite one another.

View artifacts on the Artifacts tab

At this point, you can run the pipeline and then manually find the uploaded artifact in your cloud storage bucket or repo. Alternately, you can use a Drone plugin to publish the artifact URL to the Artifacts tab in Harness. This makes it easier to find the artifact directly associated with a particular build.

The Artifact Metadata Publisher plugin pulls content from cloud storage and publishes it to the Artifacts tab. You can use this plugin with any cloud storage provider.

To use this plugin, add a Plugin step after your upload artifact step.

For example, this step publishes the URL for the combined Allure report on GCS:

              - step:
type: Plugin
name: publish artifact metadata
identifier: publish_artifact_metadata
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: plugins/artifact-metadata-publisher
file_urls:<+pipeline.sequenceId>/complete.html ## Provide the URL in your cloud storage bucket for the previously-uploaded artifact. If you uploaded multiple artifacts, you can provide a list of URLs.
artifact_file: artifact.txt ## Provide any '.txt' file name. Harness uses this to store the artifact URL and display it on the Artifacts tab. This value is not the name of your uploaded artifact, and it has no relationship to the artifact object itself.

For file_url, provide the URL to the artifact that uses the Bucket, Target, and artifact name specified in the Upload Artifacts step. The format depends on your cloud storage provider. For example:

  • GCS:
  • S3:

The resolved value of file_urls is the URL that is published on the Artifacts tab. It is derived from the upload location specified in the Upload Artifact step.

For example, this tutorial uses<+pipeline.sequenceId>/complete.html, which references the value of bucket, target, and artifact object name from the Upload Artifact step. When the pipeline runs, the expression <+pipeline.sequenceId> is resolved into a valid URL.

For private S3 buckets, use the console view URL, such as

If you uploaded multiple artifacts, you can provide a list of URLs, such as:


YAML examples

This example uses Harness Cloud build infrastructure and uploads the artifact to GCS.

name: allure-report-upload
identifier: allurereportupload
projectIdentifier: YOUR_HARNESS_PROJECT_ID
orgIdentifier: default
tags: {}
build: <+input>
- stage:
name: test and upload artifact
identifier: test_and_upload_artifact
description: ""
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
os: Linux
arch: Amd64
type: Cloud
spec: {}
- step:
type: Run
name: run maven tests
identifier: run_maven_tests
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: openjdk:11
shell: Sh
command: ./mvnw clean test site
- step:
type: Run
name: generate allure report
identifier: generate_allure_report
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: solutis/allure:2.9.0
command: |
cd target
allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report
- step:
type: Run
name: combine report
identifier: combine_report
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: shubham149/allure-combine:latest
command: |
cd target/allure-report
allure-combine .
cd ../..
cp target/allure-report/complete.html .
- step:
type: GCSUpload
name: upload report
identifier: upload_report
sourcePath: target/allure-report/complete.html
target: <+pipeline.sequenceId>
- step:
type: Plugin
name: publish artifact metadata
identifier: publish_artifact_metadata
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: plugins/artifact-metadata-publisher
artifact_file: artifact.txt